Real World Strength by Mark Reifkind

Real World Strength

Written by Mark Reifkind of Girya Strong in Palo Alto, California

”Leg and lower back strength endurance is way more important to most people than their absolute strength levels.

While it is great fun to take a max deadlift, squat or press how well that translates into being able to work hard all day; climbing ladders, squatting down to pick things up and carry them over and over, lunging or simply being on one's feet all day long is way more important. Especially as we age.

This whole "thing" against cardio is a silly argument. If you can't walk well for multiple hours and multiple days your legs and back just aren't really strong.

I could squat 573 lbs but couldn't walk two blocks without locking up; I was not real world strong.

And while I love pressing heavy I would take my ability to ruck for hours with a heavy load over that any day of the week.

Part of what has happened to the culture is so many sit for a living (especially now working from home) that too many have forgotten just how physical real life work used to be

Strength training is just as important in a different way but don't neglect the strength endurance being on one's feet brings to one's health and longevity as well

Strength training is just as important in a different way but don't neglect the strength endurance being on one's feet brings to one's health and longevity as well.”

" A back of iron and legs that never quit "
All Day Strong