7 Human Movement Patterns

Movement patterns are something every human expresses or is capable of expressing. Your training should be organized around these simple and basic movement patterns. This style of training differs from modern isolation and body part focuses. Our daily movement should include these patterns and strive to have balance between them.

Have you moved with balance today?

1) SQUAT - Maximal knee bend and hip bend to lower our body down.

2) HINGE - Maximal hip bend and minimal knee bend to bend over (hinge) at the hips.

3) PUSH - Maximal upper body drive of a load away from the body.

4) PULL - Maximal upper body drive of a load towards the body.

5) ROTATION - Turning or rotating to produce or reduce force in various planes.

6) SINGLE LEG - Performance of the lunge, squat and hinge patterns; emphasizing a single leg.

7) GAIT - Various patterns of limb movement in animals, including humans, during locomotion.